How to Protect Intellectual Property in Remote Workplace [2024 Guide]

Posted on Tuesday 19 December 2023.

how to protect intellectual property

The rise of remote work and the use of AI and digital collaboration tools have expanded the attack surface, making intellectual property more vulnerable than ever.

Why? It’s because these tools often require the sharing and transfer of data, which can potentially be intercepted or accessed by unauthorised individuals.

The issue of intellectual property (IP) theft is becoming increasingly complex. Cyber espionage, digital piracy, social engineering attacks, and trade secret theft are all on the rise. So, as we approach 2024, ensuring a safe remote work environment has become more crucial than ever before.

Any delay in addressing these risks could lead to severe consequences. Industries that rely heavily on intellectual property, such as technology and IT services, financial services, manufacturing, and healthcare, are particularly affected by these threats.

So, how do we fight these threats?

Before we dive into the potential safety measures, let’s investigate specific security issues related to the modern workplace – AI, digital collaboration tools, and remote work.

What counts as intellectual property in a remote workplace?

Simply put, intellectual property (IP) refers to things that you create using your mind. For example, in a remote company that offers IT services and products, intellectual property can include a variety of assets such as:

  • Contracts
  • Software licenses and agreements
  • Customer lists
  • Databases and research
  • Original software code and scripts
  • Product concepts and technical documentation
  • Remote work policies and procedures
  • Training materials and more!

In response to cyber-related IP theft, some countries like the United States are tightening IP laws. With these evolving regulations, businesses still must establish clear ownership and security measures to ensure that sensitive information is protected against any potential threats.

What are the security risks of the modern workplace?

cybersecurity stats

Addressing security issues is crucial for maintaining a secure IT environment, especially as organisations embrace AI, digital collaboration tools, and remote work in their daily operations. However, implementing robust security measures and promoting awareness among employees can be successful only if you are aware of the potential threats in the first place.

Let’s look at some risks associated with remote work, AI, and collaboration tools.

#1 Security Challenges in Your Remote Workspace

Home networks that lack security could pose a threat to employees’ sensitive work information. Cybercriminals may intercept data when there is a lack of encryption on home Wi-Fi networks.

Moreover, remote workers are at an increased risk of phishing attacks when they work outside of a controlled office environment. Hackers could target employees with fake emails requesting personal information.

Another potential issue that comes with using unsecured devices for remote work or BYOD (bring your own device) is that they can be an entryway for cyberattacks. For instance, the increasing use of IoT devices in industrial settings has opened up new vectors for IP theft, with attackers potentially gaining access to confidential information through less secure devices.

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are when attackers gain unauthorised access and remain unnoticed for long periods.

⚡ Remote Work Security Strategies

VPN Usage – Encourage the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for secure remote connections. And ensure that employees connect through secure networks to protect sensitive data.

Device Security Policies – Establish and communicate clear policies on securing personal devices used for remote work. Don’t forget to require regular security updates and antivirus software installations.

Secure Communication Channels – Emphasize the use of encrypted communication tools for virtual meetings and discussions. Train your employees on recognising and avoiding phishing attempts.

remote working tips

#2 AI Security Vulnerabilities

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly revolutionised the way businesses operate, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of these challenges is data bias and fairness.

AI algorithms might exhibit bias if they are trained on biased data, which could lead to unfair outcomes. For instance, facial recognition software may exhibit bias against certain ethnic groups if trained on a dataset that is not representative of the population.

Another challenge is adversarial attacks. Basically, malicious actors can manipulate the systems by inputting specially crafted data. For example, an image can be altered to mislead object recognition systems.

Lastly, it can be very challenging to understand decisions made by complex AI models. For example, if we look at the usage of AI in recruitment, it can be very difficult to explain the rationale behind an AI-driven hiring decision. 

⚡ AI Security Measures

Regular Audits and Updates – Conduct routine audits of AI systems to identify vulnerabilities. And always make sure to do prompt updates to patch any potential security loopholes.

Encryption Protocols – Implement robust encryption methods to safeguard AI algorithms and datasets. Encrypt communication channels to prevent unauthorised access.

Access Control Mechanisms – Restrict access to AI systems based on roles and responsibilities. Enforce strong authentication measures to prevent unauthorised usage.

#3 Digital Tools' Safety Concerns

Collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, Asana, Jira, Dropbox, GitHub, and others are commonly used by many organisations for their daily operations.

However, many organisations often overlook one important thing – the importance of securing these platforms, including communication and data sharing. Instead, the focus is typically on productivity benefits. It’s crucial to prioritise platform security to prevent any potential data breaches or security threats.

When it comes to collaboration tools, one of the biggest threats is unauthorised access. Weak authentication can lead to sensitive data being accessed by unauthorised users.

Take virtual meetings, for example. If passwords are not protected properly, unauthorised people may be able to join the meeting.

Another big risk is data leakage. If sharing settings are not secure or if confidential files are shared on an open collaboration channel, sensitive data may be unintentionally exposed.

Lastly, integration vulnerabilities can also introduce security weaknesses. For instance, if the third-party tools are not correctly integrated, that can lead to vulnerabilities in project management plugins.

⚡ Digital Collaboration Tools Security Tips

So, although using these tools might seem intuitive and easy, it’s important to be aware of these threats and take extra measures to protect your data.

User Training Programs – Educate employees on the secure usage of collaboration tools. Emphasise the importance of setting proper access permissions. Organise security awareness training, engage with your employees and address areas that cause security vulnerabilities. 

Data Encryption – Utilise end-to-end encryption for files shared through collaboration tools. Ensure that data remains secure during both storage and transmission.

Multi-Factor Authentication – Implement multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of user verification. Strengthen access controls to prevent unauthorised users from entering collaborative spaces.

As we get closer to 2024, we can expect to face new security challenges and issues. By being aware of these risks associated with remote work, AI, and digital collaboration tools, you’re one step closer to creating a safe and successful remote work experience.

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Antonija Bozickovic

Antonija Bozickovic

Content creator at SDI



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