Strategy is an important part of a service desk’s responsibility; strategies translate purpose and objectives into plans that can be acted upon, measured, and updated as required to achieve the desired outcomes. Furthermore, a service desk strategy should be set in line with that of IT and the wider business, so as to enable the service desk to effectively support the business and help it to achieve its own strategic objectives.
This report looks at how closely the service desk and wider organisation work together in terms of their strategies, and to gain a better understanding of how they can support each other to achieve strategic goals.
Between September and October 2018, the Service Desk Strategy survey was sent to a wide variety of service desk professionals, working in both public and private sector and covering a wide range of organisational sizes.
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Want help with building or updating your Strategy?
Perhaps your strategy could better align with business goals, the wider IT operation or better serve your KPIs and CSFs. SDI’s Service Improvement plans can focus on any area of your service and help you see tangible results from an improvement roadmap tailored to your unique goals.
Service Improvement Plans