Spark Conference 2023 in Numbers [Infographic]

Posted on Thursday 30 November 2023.

We hosted Spark23, our annual conference, only a month ago. We delivered an immersive experience that crossed the borders. Dive into ‘Spark23 in Numbers,’ our infographic capturing the essence of this unforgettable tech gathering!

Gen Z in the Workforce: Are They the Unprepared or Disruptive Workers?

Posted on Tuesday 17 October 2023.

Move over Millennials because Gen Z is stepping into the spotlight. You have probably heard about this new generation that will dominate the workforce. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, Gen Z will constitute a significant 27% of the global workforce.

Moldea el Futuro de la Vida Laboral en ITSM: ¡Participa hoy en nuestra encuesta!

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023.

El mundo del ITSM está en constante evolución. Gracias a los rápidos avances tecnológicos, como las plataformas inteligentes, el aprendizaje automático, la IA generativa y la ciencia de datos, nos embarcamos en un emocionante viaje hacia el futuro. Muchas industrias están siendo ya moldeadas por las tendencias tecnológicas emergentes, lo que significa que las empresas

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