How to Build an Effective IT Service Desk

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017.

Written by Alan Conduct, Head of Support Services at UKN Group Building an effective IT service desk is not easy. With technology evolving so quickly, with companies reliant on a complex mix of hardware, software, cloud-solutions, broadband, telephony and legacy systems, you need an IT help desk that can provide support and proactively grow the business. An

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What are the Next Generation of Service Desks?

Posted on Monday 4 September 2017.

Written by Mark Watson, Chief Operating Officer at UKN Group Consumers – me and you – the ‘user’ want IT support services like a service desk that are intuitive, easy to use, more about self-serve than sitting and waiting for a solution. Known as the Next Generation of Service Desk (NGSD), emerging behaviours are encouraging

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Keeping it local: What are the benefits of using a local IT service desk?

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2017.

by Alan Conduct, Head of Support Services at UKN Group   One significant advance for outsourcing providers and their customers has been digital transformation. Whether your company uses outsourcing for HR, accountancy, marketing or IT support, digitalisation has helped to make the outsourcing model more cost effective as well as delivering a better service too.

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