Have You Heard The One About Identity Theft?

Posted on Wednesday 13 December 2017.

Comedian, BAFTA Shortlisted Director & Author Talks Identity Theft We’re excited to announce comedian Bennett Arron as a keynote speaker at SDI18! In recent years, we have seen AI and machine learning emerge. Considering these new technological advancements, how do you see identity theft evolving in the next five years? ”Sadly I think the scale of the crime

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Let’s Talk About Workplace Wellbeing

Posted on Wednesday 22 November 2017.

  Campaigns for mental health awareness have achieved amazing results in the last few years, however, in regards to wellbeing in the workplace, arguably there’s a long way to go…  Emma Mamo, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at Mind, will be joining us as one of our influential breakout speakers at The Conference for Service Desk Leaders 2018 to discuss the importance of wellbeing in the workplace. 

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